2023 Catalog
Combos Item: CORAL-FBC-PG Combo - Coral Fleece Blanket, Fleece Beanie & Gloves Combo
Contents CORALFLEECE-100 Coral Fleece Blanket Decorated with a 2” x 4” or 3” overall applique. FBC-250 - Fleece Beanie Cap Decorated with a 2” x 3” or 2 1/2” overall applique. PG-200 - Fleece Gloves Decorated with 1 1/4” x 1 1/4” applique on each glove cuff. Packaging Cap and gloves are placed in the deluxe vinyl zipper blanket bag.
Fusion Embroidered Applique Design must be the same on all pieces. Price includes up to 9 embroidery colors. Delivery: 7-10 working days from sample approval.
Fusion Digiprint Applique Design must be the same on all pieces. No color limitations. Delivery: 3-6 working days from sample approval.
25 sets 50 sets 100 sets 200 sets
$65.98 (4P) $59.98 $57.52 $56.52
25 sets 50 sets 100 sets 200 sets
$65.98 (4P) $59.98 $57.52 $56.52
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